Mesin pemotong laserBystronic
ByTube Star 130
Mesin pemotong laser
ByTube Star 130
Tahun pembuatan
Negara Bagian

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Data mesin
- Penunjukan mesin:
- Mesin pemotong laser
- Produsen:
- Bystronic
- Model:
- ByTube Star 130
- Tahun pembuatan:
- 2022
- Negara Bagian:
- bagus (bekas)
- Lokasi:
- Polen
- ID Iklan:
- A17556168
- Pembaruan:
- terakhir pada 30.10.2024
Excellent Bystronic tube FIBER laser
Very low cutting hours: ONLY 268h !!!
It was constantly serviced in accordance with Bystronic's requirements.
Machine can be inspected under power upon appointment.
Immediately available.
Power 3kW
Laser / Source IPG Fiber Laser GmbH
Model YLS-3000-U
Working time 1662,97 hours
Cutting time 268,82 hours
Dimensions of profile diameter min 10 mm, max 130 mm
Maximum speed of spindle 250 rpm
Weight 12.000kg
Number of axles 8
Minimal length of pipe (profile) 2500 mm
Maximum length of pipe (profile) 8500 mm
Maximum speed of axles X / Y / Z 200 / 60 / 60 m/min
Maximum spindle speed 250 rpm
Iklan itu diterjemahkan secara otomatis. Kesalahan penerjemahan mungkin saja terjadi.
Very low cutting hours: ONLY 268h !!!
It was constantly serviced in accordance with Bystronic's requirements.
Machine can be inspected under power upon appointment.
Immediately available.
Power 3kW
Laser / Source IPG Fiber Laser GmbH
Model YLS-3000-U
Working time 1662,97 hours
Cutting time 268,82 hours
Dimensions of profile diameter min 10 mm, max 130 mm
Maximum speed of spindle 250 rpm
Weight 12.000kg
Number of axles 8
Minimal length of pipe (profile) 2500 mm
Maximum length of pipe (profile) 8500 mm
Maximum speed of axles X / Y / Z 200 / 60 / 60 m/min
Maximum spindle speed 250 rpm
Iklan itu diterjemahkan secara otomatis. Kesalahan penerjemahan mungkin saja terjadi.
Kontak person: Mr. David Beelen
Rapertingenstraat 132B
3500 Hasselt, Belgia
+32 11 93... menunjukkan
Tunjukkan lebih banyak

With 5 years of experience in trading metal processing machinery and an increasing demand from partners to leverage our experience in other sectors, we decided to setup a new project with focus on Plastic Processing Machinery, Laser Machinery, Automation Technology and Woodworking Machinery.
Tampilkan informasi hukum lebih lanjut
David Beelen
DSF Consulting GCV
Rapertingenstraat 132B, Hasselt, Belgium.
VAT BE0665909750
DSF Consulting GCV
Rapertingenstraat 132B, Hasselt, Belgium.
VAT BE0665909750
Tutup informasi hukum lebih lanjut
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Kirim permintaan
+32 11 93... menunjukkan
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