Kemper SP 30Kemper
SP 30 L
Kemper SP 30
SP 30 L
Negara Bagian

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Data mesin
- Lokasi:
- Nijverdal
- ID Iklan:
- A17545823
- Nomor referensi:
- 4533
- Pembaruan:
- terakhir pada 30.10.2024
Kemper SP30 L spiral mixer 45 kg dough
mobile with permanently installed bowl
capacity in flour 30kg
bowl contents 80 liter
mobile with permanently installed bowl
capacity in flour 30kg
bowl contents 80 liter
Kontak person: Mr. Niels van Keulen
Fuutweg 12a
7442CL Nijverdal, Belanda
+31 548 2... menunjukkan
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Seit 1935 ist INTERBAKE die Nummer Eins unter den Exporteuren von qualitativ hochwertigen gebrauchten Bäckereimaschinen in Holland.
Wir verkaufen überholte Bäckereimaschinen und Anlagen an Bäcker und Großhändler weltweit nach über 90 Ländern und sind spezialisiert in hochwertigen Maschinen Deutscher, Holländischer, Schweizer und Österreichischer Hersteller.
Wir bieten Service und technische Unterstützung mit unseren hochqualifizierten Technikern und Ingenieuren.
Die über 80jährige Erfahrung mit gebrauchten Bäckereimaschinen aller Art macht uns zu einem Spezialisten auf dem Gebiet der Bäckereitechnik
Wir verkaufen überholte Bäckereimaschinen und Anlagen an Bäcker und Großhändler weltweit nach über 90 Ländern und sind spezialisiert in hochwertigen Maschinen Deutscher, Holländischer, Schweizer und Österreichischer Hersteller.
Wir bieten Service und technische Unterstützung mit unseren hochqualifizierten Technikern und Ingenieuren.
Die über 80jährige Erfahrung mit gebrauchten Bäckereimaschinen aller Art macht uns zu einem Spezialisten auf dem Gebiet der Bäckereitechnik
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Responable owner of this website
Interbake bv
Fuutweg 12A
7442 CL Nijverdal
The Netherlands
Phone : +31 548 622 751
Service: +31 548 624368
Bert and Niels van Keulen
Commercial register number : 06014710
VAT-number : NL004262748B01
All information on the website (i.e. texts, graphics, videos, music etc.) are protected by copyright. The information published here may not be used either directly or indirectly for commercial purposes and may only be used for private purposes by natural persons. All utilisation rights, of any sort whatsoever, are exclusively reserved by the copyright owner. The copyright owner reserves the rights in particular to copy, distribute, lease, lend and transmit website information in any way. Interbake BV reserves all rights. Legal action will be taken against infringements of copyright. Our homepage uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service from Google. Google Analytics uses so-called cookies (small text files) which are stored on your computer and allow the way that you use the website to be analysed. The information about the way you use this homepage (including your IP address) which is generated by the cookie is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google will use this information to evaluate the way you use the website, to compile reports about the website activities for the homepage operators and to provide further services associated with website and internet usage. If necessary, Google will also transmit this information to third parties if this is prescribed by law or if third parties process this data on behalf of Google. Google will not under any circumstances link your IP address to other data from Google. You can prevent the installation of cookies by adjusting an appropriate setting in your browser software, but we wish to point out that if you do this you may not be able to use all of the functions on this website to their full extent. By using our homepage, you agree to the processing of the data collected about you by Google, in the manner described above and for the purpose outlined above.
Responable owner of this website
Interbake bv
Fuutweg 12A
7442 CL Nijverdal
The Netherlands
Phone : +31 548 622 751
Service: +31 548 624368
Bert and Niels van Keulen
Commercial register number : 06014710
VAT-number : NL004262748B01
All information on the website (i.e. texts, graphics, videos, music etc.) are protected by copyright. The information published here may not be used either directly or indirectly for commercial purposes and may only be used for private purposes by natural persons. All utilisation rights, of any sort whatsoever, are exclusively reserved by the copyright owner. The copyright owner reserves the rights in particular to copy, distribute, lease, lend and transmit website information in any way. Interbake BV reserves all rights. Legal action will be taken against infringements of copyright. Our homepage uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service from Google. Google Analytics uses so-called cookies (small text files) which are stored on your computer and allow the way that you use the website to be analysed. The information about the way you use this homepage (including your IP address) which is generated by the cookie is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google will use this information to evaluate the way you use the website, to compile reports about the website activities for the homepage operators and to provide further services associated with website and internet usage. If necessary, Google will also transmit this information to third parties if this is prescribed by law or if third parties process this data on behalf of Google. Google will not under any circumstances link your IP address to other data from Google. You can prevent the installation of cookies by adjusting an appropriate setting in your browser software, but we wish to point out that if you do this you may not be able to use all of the functions on this website to their full extent. By using our homepage, you agree to the processing of the data collected about you by Google, in the manner described above and for the purpose outlined above.
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+31 548 2... menunjukkan
Iklan-iklan ini mungkin juga menarik minat Anda.
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10.221 km
Mixer spiral, mixer 100 L
KemperSP 100 L
KemperSP 100 L
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11.151 km
Menguleni spiral
KemperSP 75
KemperSP 75
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11.650 km
Mixer spiral 125kg tepung
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Pengaduk spiral
KemperSP 125 A
KemperSP 125 A
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11.006 km
Pengaduk spiral
KemperSP 150 AL ausfahrbar
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Kemper SP 75 L spiral kneader
KemperSP75 L
KemperSP75 L
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11.202 km
Rol panjang
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11.151 km
Pengaduk spiral
WP KemperSP 75
WP KemperSP 75
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Mixer spiral
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Akting panjang
KemperLangwirker - L
KemperLangwirker - L
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11.399 km
Kemper spl15/30/75/125
Kemper spl15/30/75/125
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11.122 km
SP 125
KemperSP 125 A
KemperSP 125 A
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11.650 km
Mixer spiral 125kg tepung
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11.130 km
KemperSP 100 A
KemperSP 100 A
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11.151 km
Pengaduk spiral
WP KemperSP 75
WP KemperSP 75
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11.130 km
KemperSP 150 AL
KemperSP 150 AL
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11.151 km
Menguleni spiral
KemperSP 50
KemperSP 50
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11.130 km
Pengaduk spiral
KemperSP 150 A
KemperSP 150 A
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11.151 km
Pengaduk spiral
WP KemperSP 150 AL
WP KemperSP 150 AL
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11.155 km
Listrik 500 bar 30 l/mnt.
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11.134 km
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Mixer kaki, mixer 300 L
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