Mesin pemotong kain
Lectra Vector Fashion iX 72 + Brio 100

Tahun pembuatan
Negara Bagian
Camposanto Italia
Mesin pemotong kain Lectra Vector Fashion iX 72 + Brio 100
Mesin pemotong kain Lectra Vector Fashion iX 72 + Brio 100
Mesin pemotong kain Lectra Vector Fashion iX 72 + Brio 100
Mesin pemotong kain Lectra Vector Fashion iX 72 + Brio 100
Mesin pemotong kain Lectra Vector Fashion iX 72 + Brio 100
Mesin pemotong kain Lectra Vector Fashion iX 72 + Brio 100
Mesin pemotong kain Lectra Vector Fashion iX 72 + Brio 100
Mesin pemotong kain Lectra Vector Fashion iX 72 + Brio 100
Mesin pemotong kain Lectra Vector Fashion iX 72 + Brio 100
Mesin pemotong kain Lectra Vector Fashion iX 72 + Brio 100
Mesin pemotong kain Lectra Vector Fashion iX 72 + Brio 100
Mesin pemotong kain Lectra Vector Fashion iX 72 + Brio 100
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Data mesin

Penunjukan mesin:
Mesin pemotong kain
Vector Fashion iX 72 + Brio 100
Tahun pembuatan:
Negara Bagian:
seperti baru (bekas)


Lokasi iklan:
41031 Camposanto MO, Italia Italia


ID Iklan:
terakhir pada 20.07.2024


Used fabric cutting machine Lectra Vector Fashion iX 72 - year 2021 - working hours: 200 - max cutting thickness 2,5 cm. - complete with used automatic spreader Lectra Brio 100 with piece loader, table length 18 meters , table width 2 meters, useful spreading 1.80 meters , blower.
Machine and spreaders used as new.

Iklan itu diterjemahkan secara otomatis. Kesalahan penerjemahan mungkin saja terjadi.


Palazzi Stefano

Kontak person: Mr. Stefano Palazzi

Via Circonvallazione 11

41031 Camposanto, Italia

Terdaftar sejak: 2020

8 Iklan online

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Tunjukkan lebih banyak
L'azienda Palazzi Stefano è nel settore tessile dal 1993, vende macchine tessili usate di tutti i tipi.
Tampilkan informasi hukum lebih lanjut
Palazzi Stefano legale rappresentante della ditta individuale :Palazzi Stefano
iscritta al registro delle imprese della Camera di Commercio di Modena cod. PLZSFN63T27F257I
nr. REA : MO-270071
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Federasi Rusia
Belarus (Rusia Putih)
Selandia Baru
Republik Ceko
Bosnia dan Herzegovina
Korea Selatan
Catatan: Pertanyaan Anda akan diteruskan ke semua penjual dalam kategori mesin. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menerima sejumlah besar penawaran.
Permintaan tidak dapat dikirim. Silakan coba lagi nanti.


+39 336 5... menunjukkan
Iklan-iklan ini mungkin juga menarik minat Anda.
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Italia Modena
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Mesin pemotong kain
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Dealer bersertifikat
Iklan baris
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Filter H14 untuk penyedot debu Nilfisk Attix 200H Nilfisk 100/116 Z8 17264   IF782C410400
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Rumania Oradea
10.235 km
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Lemari laci WMT 8 - 72/100
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Lemari laci WMT 8 - 72/100
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Lemari laci WMT 8 - 72/100
Lemari laci WMT 8 - 72/100
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Jerman Velen
11.245 km
Lemari laci
WMT8 - 72/100
Iklan baris
Lemari laci WMT 8 - 72/100 S
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Lemari laci WMT 8 - 72/100 S
Lemari laci WMT 8 - 72/100 S
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Lemari laci WMT 8 - 72/100 S
Lemari laci WMT 8 - 72/100 S
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Jerman Velen
11.245 km
Lemari laci
WMT8 - 72/100 S
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10.553 km
Pompa Peristaltik
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Dealer bersertifikat
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Pabrik pencampuran beton bergerak 100 m3/h mobile concrete mixing plant 100 m3/h mobile concrete mixing plant
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Pabrik pencampuran beton bergerak 100 m3/h mobile concrete mixing plant 100 m3/h mobile concrete mixing plant
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Turki Izmir
9.772 km
Pabrik pencampuran beton bergerak
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Pengaduk beton 9m3 stationaire betonmixer 100% elektrische aan... 4Rent
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Pengaduk beton 9m3 stationaire betonmixer 100% elektrische aan... 4Rent
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Belanda Linschoten
11.375 km
Pengaduk beton
9m3 stationaire betonmixer 100% elektrische aan...4Rent
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Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
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Polandia Aleksandrów Kujawski
10.440 km
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner
100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
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Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant 100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant
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Jerman Bautzen
10.746 km
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100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant
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Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
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Jerman Bautzen
10.746 km
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner
100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
Dealer bersertifikat
Iklan baris
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner Dry mix concrete mixing plant 100 m3  Dry mix concrete mixing plant 100 m3
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner Dry mix concrete mixing plant 100 m3  Dry mix concrete mixing plant 100 m3
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner Dry mix concrete mixing plant 100 m3  Dry mix concrete mixing plant 100 m3
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner Dry mix concrete mixing plant 100 m3  Dry mix concrete mixing plant 100 m3
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner Dry mix concrete mixing plant 100 m3  Dry mix concrete mixing plant 100 m3
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Prancis France
11.734 km
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner
Dry mix concrete mixing plant 100 m3 Dry mix concrete mixing plant 100 m3
Dealer bersertifikat
Iklan baris
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h fixed concrete batching plant 100 m3/h fixed concrete batching plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h fixed concrete batching plant 100 m3/h fixed concrete batching plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h fixed concrete batching plant 100 m3/h fixed concrete batching plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h fixed concrete batching plant 100 m3/h fixed concrete batching plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h fixed concrete batching plant 100 m3/h fixed concrete batching plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h fixed concrete batching plant 100 m3/h fixed concrete batching plant
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Prancis France
11.734 km
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner
100 m3/h fixed concrete batching plant100 m3/h fixed concrete batching plant
Dealer bersertifikat
Iklan baris
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant 100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant 100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant 100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant 100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant 100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant
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Turki Halilbeyli OSB, İzmir Ankara Cd. NO:5, 35743 Kemalpaşa/İzmir, Türkiye
9.750 km
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner
100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant100 m3/h dry type concrete mixing plant
Dealer bersertifikat
Iklan baris
Pabrik pencampuran beton bergerak 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton bergerak 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton bergerak 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton bergerak 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton bergerak 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton bergerak 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton bergerak 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton bergerak 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton bergerak 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
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Slovenia Podgrajska cesta 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
10.798 km
Pabrik pencampuran beton bergerak
100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
Dealer bersertifikat
Iklan baris
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant 100 m3/h compact concrete mixing  plant
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Turki Halilbeyli OSB, İzmir Ankara Cd. NO:5, 35743 Kemalpaşa/İzmir, Türkiye
9.750 km
Pabrik pencampuran beton stasioner
100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant100 m3/h compact concrete mixing plant
Dealer bersertifikat
Iklan baris
Pabrik pemotongan Herbold AMIS SM60/100 Herbold AMIS SM 60/100 7-2 90kW
Pabrik pemotongan Herbold AMIS SM60/100 Herbold AMIS SM 60/100 7-2 90kW
Pabrik pemotongan Herbold AMIS SM60/100 Herbold AMIS SM 60/100 7-2 90kW
Pabrik pemotongan Herbold AMIS SM60/100 Herbold AMIS SM 60/100 7-2 90kW
Pabrik pemotongan Herbold AMIS SM60/100 Herbold AMIS SM 60/100 7-2 90kW
Pabrik pemotongan Herbold AMIS SM60/100 Herbold AMIS SM 60/100 7-2 90kW
Pabrik pemotongan Herbold AMIS SM60/100 Herbold AMIS SM 60/100 7-2 90kW
Pabrik pemotongan Herbold AMIS SM60/100 Herbold AMIS SM 60/100 7-2 90kW
Pabrik pemotongan Herbold AMIS SM60/100 Herbold AMIS SM 60/100 7-2 90kW
Pabrik pemotongan Herbold AMIS SM60/100 Herbold AMIS SM 60/100 7-2 90kW
Pabrik pemotongan Herbold AMIS SM60/100 Herbold AMIS SM 60/100 7-2 90kW
Pabrik pemotongan Herbold AMIS SM60/100 Herbold AMIS SM 60/100 7-2 90kW
Pabrik pemotongan Herbold AMIS SM60/100 Herbold AMIS SM 60/100 7-2 90kW
Pabrik pemotongan Herbold AMIS SM60/100 Herbold AMIS SM 60/100 7-2 90kW
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Hongaria Tata
10.505 km
Pabrik pemotongan Herbold AMIS SM60/100
Herbold AMIS SM 60/100 7-290kW
Dealer bersertifikat
Iklan baris
Mesin pengaduk planet V MIX  100
Mesin pengaduk planet V MIX  100
Mesin pengaduk planet V MIX  100
Mesin pengaduk planet V MIX  100
Mesin pengaduk planet V MIX  100
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Jerman Keltern
11.202 km
Mesin pengaduk planet
V MIX 100
Dealer bersertifikat
Iklan baris
Robot pemipetan CyBio Felix 305015-100-24
Robot pemipetan CyBio Felix 305015-100-24
Robot pemipetan CyBio Felix 305015-100-24
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Jerman Köln
11.267 km
Robot pemipetan
CyBio Felix305015-100-24
Iklan baris
Catu daya rel DIN Phoenix Contact MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1
Catu daya rel DIN Phoenix Contact MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1
Catu daya rel DIN Phoenix Contact MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1
Catu daya rel DIN Phoenix Contact MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1
Catu daya rel DIN Phoenix Contact MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1
Catu daya rel DIN Phoenix Contact MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1
Catu daya rel DIN Phoenix Contact MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1
Catu daya rel DIN Phoenix Contact MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1
Catu daya rel DIN Phoenix Contact MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1
Catu daya rel DIN Phoenix Contact MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1
Catu daya rel DIN Phoenix Contact MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1
Catu daya rel DIN Phoenix Contact MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1
Catu daya rel DIN Phoenix Contact MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1
Catu daya rel DIN Phoenix Contact MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1
Catu daya rel DIN Phoenix Contact MINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1
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Jerman Wiefelstede
11.134 km
Catu daya rel DIN
Phoenix ContactMINI-PS-100-240AC/2X15DC/1
Dealer bersertifikat