Mesin pencelupanMathis
CJ-R 8606
Mesin pencelupan
CJ-R 8606
VB ditambah PPN.
Negara Bagian

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Data mesin
VB ditambah PPN.
- Lokasi:
- Dunkerstrasse 29, 46325 Borken/Burlo, DE
- ID Iklan:
- A17554908
- Nomor referensi:
- 46471
- Pembaruan:
- terakhir pada 20.11.2024
Mathis Colorstar Junior stainer CJ-R 8606 Laboratory stainer
The Colorstar type “CJ” is a 1-position stainer for use in company laboratories and research institutes.
The dyeing works according to the winding and packing system in the pull-out process, whereby the dye liquor is passed through the stationary material sample, reversing inside/outside or outside/inside. The built-in vacuum pressure pump creates the desired atmosphere in the treatment room.
The “CJ” is particularly suitable for dyeing:
- Woven and knitted fabrics on piece beam
- Yarns on cross-wound bobbins
- Flock, fibers and combed top in the dyeing basket
The liquor flow direction is reversible from inside to outside and vice versa, whereby the duration can be adjusted.
liquor ratio approx. 1:8 and higher.
In addition to the round full-view dyeing station made of borosilicate glass, the apparatus consists of the following components
● Pressure pump for setting a static pressure
● Vacuum pump for deaerating the textile material
● Pressure gauge -1 to + 9 bar for static pressure display of the dye container
● Safety and venting valve
● Swivel HT lid
● Connection for airlock
● Device for filling, flushing and draining
● Integrated cooling (water) and heating (electric)
● Connection socket for: Temperature recording (0 -140 °C)
Option also for flow rate (0 - 5 l/min)
Differential pressure (0 - 5 bar)
pH values (0 -14)
Purchase price: 67400,- €
Further items in other sizes - new and used - can be found in our store!
International shipping costs on request!
The Colorstar type “CJ” is a 1-position stainer for use in company laboratories and research institutes.
The dyeing works according to the winding and packing system in the pull-out process, whereby the dye liquor is passed through the stationary material sample, reversing inside/outside or outside/inside. The built-in vacuum pressure pump creates the desired atmosphere in the treatment room.
The “CJ” is particularly suitable for dyeing:
- Woven and knitted fabrics on piece beam
- Yarns on cross-wound bobbins
- Flock, fibers and combed top in the dyeing basket
The liquor flow direction is reversible from inside to outside and vice versa, whereby the duration can be adjusted.
liquor ratio approx. 1:8 and higher.
In addition to the round full-view dyeing station made of borosilicate glass, the apparatus consists of the following components
● Pressure pump for setting a static pressure
● Vacuum pump for deaerating the textile material
● Pressure gauge -1 to + 9 bar for static pressure display of the dye container
● Safety and venting valve
● Swivel HT lid
● Connection for airlock
● Device for filling, flushing and draining
● Integrated cooling (water) and heating (electric)
● Connection socket for: Temperature recording (0 -140 °C)
Option also for flow rate (0 - 5 l/min)
Differential pressure (0 - 5 bar)
pH values (0 -14)
Purchase price: 67400,- €
Further items in other sizes - new and used - can be found in our store!
International shipping costs on request!
Komplett Konzept Verwertungs GmbH
Kontak person: Ms Stephanie Parlitz
Dunkerstrasse 29
46325 Borken/Burlo, Jerman
+49 2862 ... menunjukkan
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Willkommen bei der Komplett-Konzept Verwertungs GmbH
Die Komplett-Konzept Verwertungs GmbH ist ein dynamisches Unternehmen, das bereits auf eine mehr als 25 jährige Erfahrung in
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Für Handwerk und Industrie, Maschinen und Anlagen aller Produktionsgruppen, Industrieküchen sowie Labor- und Medizintechnik.
Die Nr.1 vom Profi für Profis !
Die Komplett-Konzept Verwertungs GmbH ist ein dynamisches Unternehmen, das bereits auf eine mehr als 25 jährige Erfahrung in
den Bereichen Handel, Verwertungen, Betriebsauflösungen und Demontagen von Maschinen und Anlagen zurückblicken kann.
Bei uns finden Sie in verschiedenen Produktkategorien ein umfangreiches Sortiment.
Für Handwerk und Industrie, Maschinen und Anlagen aller Produktionsgruppen, Industrieküchen sowie Labor- und Medizintechnik.
Die Nr.1 vom Profi für Profis !
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Komplett Konzept Verwertungs GmbH
diese vertreten durch den Geschäftsführer Stephanie Parlitz
Dunkerstr. 29
46325 Borken
USt-IdNr.: DE290006977
eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichtes Amtsgericht Coesfeld
Handelsregisternummer HRB 14522
diese vertreten durch den Geschäftsführer Stephanie Parlitz
Dunkerstr. 29
46325 Borken
USt-IdNr.: DE290006977
eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichtes Amtsgericht Coesfeld
Handelsregisternummer HRB 14522
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