Sistem termosalMathis
THN 10988
Sistem termosal
THN 10988
VB ditambah PPN.
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Data mesin
VB ditambah PPN.
- Lokasi:
- Dunkerstrasse 29, 46325 Borken/Burlo, DE
- ID Iklan:
- A17553863
- Nomor referensi:
- 46478
- Pembaruan:
- terakhir pada 30.10.2024
Mathis THN 10988 Laboratory Thermosal unit
This padder-dryer combination has proven itself in practice.
It is used in this way for a wide variety of treatment processes in hot air such as drying, fixing, condensing, thermosoling etc.
This system is used wherever a certain sample size is required, for example to produce sample collections or similar.
Dryer THA
If the padder and dryer are to be used separately in addition to continuous operation, the THA dryer should be selected.
This appliance is fitted with an unwinding unit at the dryer inlet and a draw-off unit at its outlet.
This element determines the fabric speed in single operation.
This offers the advantage of using the padder and dryer independently and simultaneously.
The fabric is then transferred to the dryer for drying, fixing, condensing, etc.
If all the above-mentioned application options are to be guaranteed and the use of needle frames is also desired in individual dryer operation, the
the THN type is preferable.
The standard needle frames are suitable for a sample size of max. 50 x 50 cm (larger needle frames on request).
There is a choice of length-adjustable frames for woven fabrics or length- and width-adjustable material holders for knitted and crocheted fabrics,
nonwovens etc. as well as clamping frames for film and paper.
Air speed approx. 4-12 m/sec
Air volume approx. 900-3500 m3 /h
Temperature range up to 250°C
Heating capacity approx. 27 kW
Nozzle field 1300 mm
Fabric tension infinitely variable
Fresh air supply adjustable in several stages
Dimensions: LxWxH = 4800 x 1380 x 1750 mm
Purchase price: 86275 €
Further articles in other sizes - new and used - can be found in our store!
International shipping costs on request!
This padder-dryer combination has proven itself in practice.
It is used in this way for a wide variety of treatment processes in hot air such as drying, fixing, condensing, thermosoling etc.
This system is used wherever a certain sample size is required, for example to produce sample collections or similar.
Dryer THA
If the padder and dryer are to be used separately in addition to continuous operation, the THA dryer should be selected.
This appliance is fitted with an unwinding unit at the dryer inlet and a draw-off unit at its outlet.
This element determines the fabric speed in single operation.
This offers the advantage of using the padder and dryer independently and simultaneously.
The fabric is then transferred to the dryer for drying, fixing, condensing, etc.
If all the above-mentioned application options are to be guaranteed and the use of needle frames is also desired in individual dryer operation, the
the THN type is preferable.
The standard needle frames are suitable for a sample size of max. 50 x 50 cm (larger needle frames on request).
There is a choice of length-adjustable frames for woven fabrics or length- and width-adjustable material holders for knitted and crocheted fabrics,
nonwovens etc. as well as clamping frames for film and paper.
Air speed approx. 4-12 m/sec
Air volume approx. 900-3500 m3 /h
Temperature range up to 250°C
Heating capacity approx. 27 kW
Nozzle field 1300 mm
Fabric tension infinitely variable
Fresh air supply adjustable in several stages
Dimensions: LxWxH = 4800 x 1380 x 1750 mm
Purchase price: 86275 €
Further articles in other sizes - new and used - can be found in our store!
International shipping costs on request!
Komplett Konzept Verwertungs GmbH
Kontak person: Ms Stephanie Parlitz
Dunkerstrasse 29
46325 Borken/Burlo, Jerman
+49 2862 ... menunjukkan
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Willkommen bei der Komplett-Konzept Verwertungs GmbH
Die Komplett-Konzept Verwertungs GmbH ist ein dynamisches Unternehmen, das bereits auf eine mehr als 25 jährige Erfahrung in
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Die Komplett-Konzept Verwertungs GmbH ist ein dynamisches Unternehmen, das bereits auf eine mehr als 25 jährige Erfahrung in
den Bereichen Handel, Verwertungen, Betriebsauflösungen und Demontagen von Maschinen und Anlagen zurückblicken kann.
Bei uns finden Sie in verschiedenen Produktkategorien ein umfangreiches Sortiment.
Für Handwerk und Industrie, Maschinen und Anlagen aller Produktionsgruppen, Industrieküchen sowie Labor- und Medizintechnik.
Die Nr.1 vom Profi für Profis !
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Komplett Konzept Verwertungs GmbH
diese vertreten durch den Geschäftsführer Stephanie Parlitz
Dunkerstr. 29
46325 Borken
USt-IdNr.: DE290006977
eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichtes Amtsgericht Coesfeld
Handelsregisternummer HRB 14522
diese vertreten durch den Geschäftsführer Stephanie Parlitz
Dunkerstr. 29
46325 Borken
USt-IdNr.: DE290006977
eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichtes Amtsgericht Coesfeld
Handelsregisternummer HRB 14522
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