Gergaji pemisah panelPanhans
s45 420-420
Gergaji pemisah panel
s45 420-420
Tahun pembuatan
Negara Bagian
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Data mesin
- Penunjukan mesin:
- Gergaji pemisah panel
- Produsen:
- Panhans
- Model:
- s45 420-420
- Tahun pembuatan:
- 2004
- Negara Bagian:
- sangat bagus (bekas)
- Fungsionalitas:
- berfungsi penuh
- Lokasi iklan:
- Kreuzfeld 2, 4563 Heiligenkreuz, Österreich
- Menyewa:
- adalah mungkin
- Panjang pemotongan (maks.):
- 4.200 mm
- Tinggi pemotongan (maks.):
- 60 mm
- Lebar pemotongan (maks.):
- 4.200 mm
- Diameter gergaji utama:
- 350 mm
- Kekuatan:
- 7,5 kW (10,20 PS)
- ID Iklan:
- A14269504
- Nomor referensi:
- 850477
- Pembaruan:
- terakhir pada 01.01.2025
Cut-to-size saw with automatic swiveling saw blade with
Angular cutting device for miter- and compound miter cuts
Manufacturer: Panhans
Machine type: s45 420-420
Year of construction: 2004
Cutting length / -width: 4,200 mm / 4,200 mm
Control software: Panhans HWS45
Saw aggregate swivels from 0° to 46°
Saw blade projection max. (0°): 70 mm
Package height max. (0°): 60 mm
Saw blade projection max. (45°): 52mm
Package height max. (45°): 38 mm
Main saw blade Ø max.: 350 mm
Scoring saw blade Ø max.: 180 mm
Main saw motor: 7,5 kW
Automatic cutting length adjustment
Grooving and rebating device
Window cutting and grooving
Saw aggregate: up to 40 m/min
Feeder: up to 25 m / min
Number of material clamps: 6 pcs
Clamp opening: 82 mm
Number of material stop jaws: 1 pcs
Strip aligner before the pressure beam
Air cushion tables: 3 pc(s). 1800 x 600 mm
Machine is refurbished in-house - including:
- Replacement of defective and worn parts
- New guide rollers on saw carriage and slide-in unit
- New converters for saw carriage and infeed
- New control unit (SPS)
- and much more
This machine is in very good conditions and works very well. The machine is refurbished, checked and tested in our company.
Errors and alterations in the technical datas and informations excepted!
(displayed photos are symbol photos)
Angular cutting device for miter- and compound miter cuts
Manufacturer: Panhans
Machine type: s45 420-420
Year of construction: 2004
Cutting length / -width: 4,200 mm / 4,200 mm
Control software: Panhans HWS45
Saw aggregate swivels from 0° to 46°
Saw blade projection max. (0°): 70 mm
Package height max. (0°): 60 mm
Saw blade projection max. (45°): 52mm
Package height max. (45°): 38 mm
Main saw blade Ø max.: 350 mm
Scoring saw blade Ø max.: 180 mm
Main saw motor: 7,5 kW
Automatic cutting length adjustment
Grooving and rebating device
Window cutting and grooving
Saw aggregate: up to 40 m/min
Feeder: up to 25 m / min
Number of material clamps: 6 pcs
Clamp opening: 82 mm
Number of material stop jaws: 1 pcs
Strip aligner before the pressure beam
Air cushion tables: 3 pc(s). 1800 x 600 mm
Machine is refurbished in-house - including:
- Replacement of defective and worn parts
- New guide rollers on saw carriage and slide-in unit
- New converters for saw carriage and infeed
- New control unit (SPS)
- and much more
This machine is in very good conditions and works very well. The machine is refurbished, checked and tested in our company.
Errors and alterations in the technical datas and informations excepted!
(displayed photos are symbol photos)
14269504.pdf (PDF)14269504-2.pdf (PDF)
14269504-3.pdf (PDF)
14269504-4.pdf (PDF)
14269504-5.pdf (PDF)
14269504-6.pdf (PDF)
Kontak person: Mr. Roland Oberlehner
Gebhard Schwärzlerstraße 34
6858 Schwarzach, Austria
+43 5572 ... menunjukkan
Tunjukkan lebih banyak
IMA Schelling Austria GmbH
Gründung: 1917 in Schwarzach, Vorarlberg
Eigentümer: Teil der IMA Schelling Group
IMA Schelling Niederlassungen: Österreich, China, England, Italien, Polen, Russland, Slowakei, Singapur, USA
Ingenieursanteil: über 25 %
Markt: weltweit
Q-Management: ISO 9001-2008
Was braucht es, um in einem wichtigen technischen Sektor an vorderster Front mitzumischen? Eine ganze Menge: Ehrgeiz, die besten Leute, höchste Ansprüche an die Produktqualität sowie – Erfahrung, Erfahrung und nochmals Erfahrung.
All das bringt SCHELLING mit. Mit einem Jahrhundert Know-how sind wir wohl eines der sattelfestesten Teams der Branche weltweit. Seit Beginn stand der Fokus auf der Herstellung von Sägen. Kontinuierlich wuchsen Ideen, Portfolio und Betriebsgröße. Seit den 1960er-Jahren sind Aufteilsägen für plattenförmige Werkstoffe (und deren Peripherie) unsere Disziplin.
IMA Schelling Austria GmbH
Founded: 1917 in Schwarzach, Vorarlberg (Austria)
Ownership: Part of the IMA Schelling Group
IMA Schelling branch offices: Austria, China, United Kingdom, Italy, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Singapore, United States of America
Share of engineers: more than 25%
Market: worldwide
Q-Management: ISO 9001-2008
What does it take to be one of the leading companies in a major technical field? It takes a lot: Ambition, the best people, the highest demand towards product quality, as well as – experience, experience, and experience.
SCHELLING possesses all of this. With a century of know-how, we are likely one of the most experienced teams in this industry worldwide. Starting from the very beginning, the focus has always been on manufacturing saws. The ideas, portfolio, and size of the company grew continuously. Since the 1960s, cut-to-size saws for materials board (incl. peripheral solutions) have been our discipline.
Gründung: 1917 in Schwarzach, Vorarlberg
Eigentümer: Teil der IMA Schelling Group
IMA Schelling Niederlassungen: Österreich, China, England, Italien, Polen, Russland, Slowakei, Singapur, USA
Ingenieursanteil: über 25 %
Markt: weltweit
Q-Management: ISO 9001-2008
Was braucht es, um in einem wichtigen technischen Sektor an vorderster Front mitzumischen? Eine ganze Menge: Ehrgeiz, die besten Leute, höchste Ansprüche an die Produktqualität sowie – Erfahrung, Erfahrung und nochmals Erfahrung.
All das bringt SCHELLING mit. Mit einem Jahrhundert Know-how sind wir wohl eines der sattelfestesten Teams der Branche weltweit. Seit Beginn stand der Fokus auf der Herstellung von Sägen. Kontinuierlich wuchsen Ideen, Portfolio und Betriebsgröße. Seit den 1960er-Jahren sind Aufteilsägen für plattenförmige Werkstoffe (und deren Peripherie) unsere Disziplin.
IMA Schelling Austria GmbH
Founded: 1917 in Schwarzach, Vorarlberg (Austria)
Ownership: Part of the IMA Schelling Group
IMA Schelling branch offices: Austria, China, United Kingdom, Italy, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Singapore, United States of America
Share of engineers: more than 25%
Market: worldwide
Q-Management: ISO 9001-2008
What does it take to be one of the leading companies in a major technical field? It takes a lot: Ambition, the best people, the highest demand towards product quality, as well as – experience, experience, and experience.
SCHELLING possesses all of this. With a century of know-how, we are likely one of the most experienced teams in this industry worldwide. Starting from the very beginning, the focus has always been on manufacturing saws. The ideas, portfolio, and size of the company grew continuously. Since the 1960s, cut-to-size saws for materials board (incl. peripheral solutions) have been our discipline.
Tampilkan informasi hukum lebih lanjut
IMA Schelling Austria GmbH
Gebhard-Schwärzler-Straße 34
6858 Schwarzach
FN: 146816 g Landesgericht Feldkirch
UID: ATU 40722401
Anlagenbau Entwicklung, Herstellung und Vertrieb von Präzisionsaufteilsägen und –anlagen für Holz-, Kunststoff, NE-Metall- und Leiterplatten-Werkstoffe
Mitglied der WKO, Landesinnung WKV
Sparte: Fv Metalltechnische Industrie
Aufsichtsbehörde: BH Bregenz
berufliche Voschriften: GewO (abrufbar über
IMA Schelling Austria GmbH
Gebhard-Schwärzler-Straße 34
6858 Schwarzach
Commercial register no.: 146816 g District Court of Feldkirch
VAT ID no.: ATU 40722401
Purpose of company:
Plant engineering Development, production and marketing of precision dividing saws and systems for wood, plastic, non-ferrous metal and printed circuit board materials
Member of WKO Chamber of Commerce, WKV National Guild
Sector: Trade association of the metal industry
Supervisory authority: Administrative district of Bregenz
Professional regulations: Industrial Code (accessible via
Gebhard-Schwärzler-Straße 34
6858 Schwarzach
FN: 146816 g Landesgericht Feldkirch
UID: ATU 40722401
Anlagenbau Entwicklung, Herstellung und Vertrieb von Präzisionsaufteilsägen und –anlagen für Holz-, Kunststoff, NE-Metall- und Leiterplatten-Werkstoffe
Mitglied der WKO, Landesinnung WKV
Sparte: Fv Metalltechnische Industrie
Aufsichtsbehörde: BH Bregenz
berufliche Voschriften: GewO (abrufbar über
IMA Schelling Austria GmbH
Gebhard-Schwärzler-Straße 34
6858 Schwarzach
Commercial register no.: 146816 g District Court of Feldkirch
VAT ID no.: ATU 40722401
Purpose of company:
Plant engineering Development, production and marketing of precision dividing saws and systems for wood, plastic, non-ferrous metal and printed circuit board materials
Member of WKO Chamber of Commerce, WKV National Guild
Sector: Trade association of the metal industry
Supervisory authority: Administrative district of Bregenz
Professional regulations: Industrial Code (accessible via
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+43 5572 ... menunjukkan
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